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Our Trust of Schools

Heads Up It's Time to get to grips with Headache - first draft for review

The aim of the Heads Up project is to raise the awareness of headache as a problem in schools and develop a range of interventions to reduce its burden involving students, staff, and parents. Headache has a significant impact upon the lives of young children, their school attendance, school performance and is strongly correlated with mental health issues.

Below you will find information on the types of problematic headache in young people and signposts further action to consider. This project is a collaboration between The Ted Wragg Trust and Dr David Kernick of the Exeter Headache Clinic.

Introduction to Project


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Contents of project

  • Educational materials for schools on headache.
  • Information for school first aiders.
  • Self-help information for staff who have migraine.
  • Information for students with headache.
  • Information for parents.
  • Support for healthcare practitioners (school nurses, general practitioners, mental health teams).

Meet the Heads Up project leads.