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Our Trust of Schools


August 2022

  • Schools celebrate fantastic GCSEs

    Published 25/08/22

    Students from across the Ted Wragg Trust of schools have been celebrating fantastic GCSE results. The Trust is extremely proud of the efforts of all their students and staff.

    Moira Marder, Chief Executive Officer of the Ted Wragg Trust, said: “We are incredibly proud of the results across all of our schools. These students are amongst the young people who have been most affected by the pandemic and their remarkable results reflect their hard work and optimism in the most difficult of circumstances.

    “We are proud of every young person who have collected results today. Thanks also to all of our staff and parents who have done so much to support our students and help them to achieve these excellent results.”

    The nine Ted Wragg Trust secondary schools are the Plymouth-based Marine Academy Plymouth, All Saints Academy and Lipson Co-operative Academy; Queen Elizabeth’s School, Crediton; Cranbrook Education Campus; and the Exeter schools, Isca Academy, St James School, West Exe School and St Luke’s Church of England School.

    The schools will work closely with all students to ensure they are able to take the next step of their choice, continuing to give them all the support they can towards the next stage of their journey.

    Moira added: “We look forward to hearing about the success of our students, as they take their next steps in life, whether that is within our sixth forms, regional colleges or apprenticeships.”


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  • QE Announces Summer 2022 GCSE Results

    Published 25/08/22

    Head teacher at Queen Elizabeth’s School in Crediton, Rupert Poole said “today we have had the absolute pleasure of celebrating with all our wonderful Year 11 students their really impressive results.

    “We are very proud of the achievements of our young people who have worked so hard, today is all about them and their chance to relax and reflect on their achievements.  They have worked very hard to achieve these results.”

    Rupert went on to say “after all of the turmoil caused to the exam system by the pandemic, nationally speaking, this year’s results are a ‘transition year’ between 2021 (when assessment was done directly by schools and colleges) and 2019 (the last year exams took place).  However, what is most important is to recognise the hard work and determination of our students.  I am delighted to report that they have done fantastically well, meeting and exceeding the challenging targets we set for them.  This has resulted in them making excellent progress, which in turn has supported their next steps in education.  We look forward to welcoming many of them back into our fantastic Sixth Form where, as last week’s results demonstrated, students continue to make exceptional progress.

    “QE’s recent Ofsted inspection, in which we were judged ‘Good’ in all areas, highlighted that the atmosphere in lessons is very focused and that we have created the conditions in which pupils can learn an ambitious curriculum.  These results are testament to that.  We could not be more pleased with the students’ outcomes, and it is also testament to the positive and mature approach they adopted to studying for their exams.”

    Rupert also praised the staff at QE, reflecting on the last few years, saying “today is all about the students and recognising their achievements, but I do want to highlight our wonderful staff, and especially the work they did to support the students.  I really think the work they did, back in the days of lockdown and more recently in the run up to the exams in school, has made a massive difference and supported our students to achieve at the highest level.”

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  • Cranbrook Education Campus GCSE results 2022 are #Crantastic

    Published 25/08/22

    Our first published GCSE results highlight the excellent progress that pupils make during their time in the Secondary phase with an initial Progress 8 score of +0.6. This means that our pupils achieved, on average, over half a grade more than the government expectation in each of their GCSE subjects. These results put us well above national average and place us as one of the top schools regionally and within the top 20% of schools nationally.

    You can find out more about progress 8 here: and here:

    Our other headline performance indicators show that 45% of pupils achieved grades 9-5 in English and Maths combined and 64% achieved grades 9-4 in English and Maths combined, the Governments ‘Basics’ indicator for both a ‘strong pass’ and ‘standard pass’ respectively. The 2019 national average for a Basics ‘strong pass’ was 43% highlighting that our pupils did better than their peers nationally.

    26% of all grades awarded were grades 9-7 and 11% were grades 9-8. These top grades highlight the excellent dedication from our pupils.

    There were a number of individual successes including:

    • Ella Greed – 8 * Grade 9, 1 * Grade 8 and a Distinction in performing arts
    • Jack Bennett – 7 * Grade 9 and 2 * Grade 8
    • Brooke Whybra – 3 * Grade 9, 4 * Grade 8, 2 * Grade 7 and a Distinction in Enterprise
    • Emily Kelly – 1 * Grade 9, 6 * Grade 8 and 2 * Grade 7
    • Trinity Ricketts – 2 * Grade 9, 3 * Grade 8, 4 * Grade 7 and a Distinction in performing arts
    • Lewis Attwood – 2 * Grade 9, 3 * Grade 8 and 3 * Grade 7

    Our Year 10 pupils who sat their GCSE English Literature this year also did a great job with 30% of pupils achieving a Grade 9-7. Well done!

    Stephen Farmer, Head of Campus, is immensely proud of our pupils’ achievements. “I am absolutely delighted and so unbelievably proud of our year 11s and all that they have achieved. After the turbulent times of the past couple of years, and in a year when the majority of pupils have sat over 20 exams, their stunning results reflect their resilience, determination and unwavering effort to do their best. They have certainly risen to the challenge of their GCSEs and I am exceptionally proud of each and every one of our pupils and what they have achieved. It has been a true team effort, with pupils, staff and parents working together to ensure that all our pupils have the best possible experience at the Campus and achieve excellent outcomes which lead to fantastic opportunities. This year shows what an impact that team approach can have. The maturity and independence that pupils have shown this year with regard to their learning leaves me in no doubt that they will go on to even greater successes in the next stage of their education. I wish them all the luck in the world.”



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  • Isca Academy Students Celebrate Results

    Published 25/08/22

    As part of the Ted Wragg Trust of schools, we are celebrating the successes and achievements of our students here at Isca Academy following the release of our GCSE results. We are exceptionally proud of all of our students and are thrilled by their results this year which reflect their hard work, dedication and commitment over many years.

    Our headline results this year indicate a continued upward trend in attainment, with 70% of students achieving a grade 4 or above in both English and Maths and 54% a grade 5 or above in both subjects. These results mean that even more of our students can now go on to study Level 3 Courses at College and we are delighted that 98% of our students have already secured a route into education, employment or training this year.

    Headteacher Aimee Mitchell said, “We are extremely proud of our students and all that they have achieved in what has been an extremely challenging period of their education.  Their results are a testament to the hard work, positive mindset and effort they have continued to put into their studies and to the commitment and dedication of the staff.  They now leave us with secure plans for the next step of their journey and a wealth of skills and qualities that equip them well for future success.”  She went on to say, “Our greatest strength as a school is supporting all of our students to succeed both academically and personally and I know that the rich experiences that our students have had access to will lead them on to great things beyond the Academy.”

    Some notable individual successes include:

    Chris Child, Tom Maynard and Violet Howson are our highest achieving students with 8 or more grade 9’s across a range of subjects. These students have applied for A Level courses at Exeter College as well as the Reach Academy and with these results, we are sure they will be successful.   Caitlin Vizard and Denisa Burca also performed exceptionally well with a suite of grade 9’s and 8’s, they are also both moving on to study A Level courses at Exeter College. We also have some students who have secured places on T Level courses.  Julian Wawczak is pursuing a T Level in Engineering after securing some excellent results in Maths and Science to name a few. Ella Rose has also secured a place on the T Level Health course and I know she will be successful with an excellent performance at GCSE.

    There are so many other individual successes and all of the students’ hard work has meant they are able to move on to the destination of their choice, including a significant number going on to study Level 3 courses, Advanced Apprenticeships, or specialist vocational qualifications in their area of interest.  We wish you all the best of luck and are very much looking forward to hearing about your successes in the future. Today’s results are truly deserved, you have been a remarkable year group who have faced such challenging times, well done to you all.

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August 2022